How to Get Rid of Tiny Ants in Kitchen

Many people have to face various kinds of problems due to ants. But maximum people don’t know how to get rid of tiny ants in kitchen. Don’t be panicked. Usually, ants enter through cracks of windows, doors, floors, and even kitchen cabinets. Food particles, uncovered foods, sweets, water attracts them. Ants search food for their colony. If they find a suitable place for food and water, they create their colony.

Nobody wants to give them their place, especially in the kitchen. Use this guide and learn more about how to get rid of ants.

Why very tiny ants suddenly appear in kitchen around sink

Many people are thinking about why tiny ants are feeling infestation to their kitchen. Mainly, there are two reasons. One is freestanding water and the other is food particles.

Ants require a little amount of water. Wet paper towels, dish rags are a good source of freshwater for them. Also, food particles attract ants. Especially, sweets or those with sugar. Sometimes people keep dirty dishes in the sink and keep uncovered the food. These food particles invite the ants. Also, pet food on the floor attracts ants.

Types of Ants in a Colony

The types of ants help you to choose a perfect ant killer. These types are:

Small Ants:

Small Ants are usually around 1.5 mm or 0.059 inches. Generally black or dark-brown color and nest around woodwork.

Black Ants:

Black Ants are usually around 3-5 mm or 0.118-0.19 inches. These ants are glossy black. They like to build their nest nearby rotten wood and love to eat sweet food.

Flying Ants:

Flying ants are basically fly to find the perfect place for starting a new colony. They aren’t different species of ants. Mainly they are sexually matured.

Tiny Red Ants:

Tiny Red Ants are usually 1.5 mm or 1/16″. They are sometimes called “electric ants”. Generally golden brown and have a ginger body. They live in agricultural land and have a painful sting.

Sugar Ants:

Sugar ants mainly attracted to sweets or sugar. Carpenter ants, Acrobat ants, Big-headed ants, Argentine ants, and many other ants are also included here.

Carpenter ants:

Carpenter ants are usually large in size. They are attracted by wood-like cupboards.

Where do ants come from in the kitchen?

Ants can enter your home in a variety of ways. Possible ways are:

•        Cracks in windows, doors, and floors.

•        Damage to the kitchen cabinet or cracks can lead ants indoors.

•        Torn screen or bent corner of windows.

•        If a tree or tree branches touching your home and so on.

How can I free from ants naturally?

There is some homemade process. By following this you can free from ants naturally. These are:

Homemade Ant Bait:

Mixing one part borax and three parts powdered sugar in a small container. Then, keep the container nearby the ant’s nest. Powdered sugar will attract the ants and borax will kill them.

Soapy solution:

You can use one tablespoon dish soap with plain water and spray over the nest.

Boil water:

You can use a half-gallon of boiled water to destroy the nest of ants.

Coffee Grounds & Bay Leaves:

You can use coffee grounds & bay leaves for reducing the infestation of ants.


Ants hate the smell of pepper. So you can use pepper to get rid of ants on kitchen counter.

Cucumber Peels:

Ants can’t tolerate the smell of cucumber. So you can use cucumber peels to get rid of tiny ants in the kitchen around sink.

Essential Oils:

Mix 20 drops of essential oil (peppermint, Cinnamon, orange) within 8 ounces of water. Spray the mixture where the ant’s activity is present.

How to Get Rid of all Ants and Sugar Ants Permanently:

If you want to get rid of red ants permanently, you can use some elements. These will be very useful and effective to remedy your problem.


You can use lemon peels or squeeze lemon where notice ants. You can wash floors, the sink, and also wash the kitchen counter with water that has some baking soda and lemon juice. Ants don’t like the smell of lemon juice.


Oranges are similar to lemon.  By mixing orange peels with a cup of boiled water you can make a paste. Spread the paste around the entry points.

White vinegar:

Ants can’t tolerate the smell of vinegar. You can prepare a mixture with some essential oil, water, and vinegar. Keep it in a spray bottle and spray the area where the ant’s activity is present. Its impactful scent is an incredible hindrance. Vinegar is known for its cleaning properties and capacity to kill scents


Ants hate the smell of peppermint. So, you can use sprinkle peppermint near the entrant areas. You can also make a solution using peppermint and boiled water. Then, spread it to the area where the ants come from.


Calcium carbonate is the main element of chalk. You can use powdered chalk or draw a line of chalk in the entry points of ants. It helps for getting rid of ants and also get rid of cockroaches permanently.


Ants can’t tolerate the strong smell of cinnamon. So, you can use cinnamon to keep the ants away. Mix some essential oil with cinnamon if you want.


Spreading salts in the corner from where ants enter. Add some boiled water with a large amount of salt and spread it.

These are all useful methods of How to Get Rid of Tiny Ants in Kitchen naturally and permanently. If you want to know more click here.

Best Powerful Ant Killer:

  • Harris Home Pest Control.
  • Boric acid powder.
  • Terro.
  • Diatoms.


Do Baking soda and sugar kill ants?

=Yes. Basically, sugar attracts the ants and baking soda kills them.

Does corn starch kill ants?

=Yes. Corn starch is mainly a catalyst. Ants can’t digest the catalyst and eventually, it’ll kill them.

Does vinegar attract ants?

= No. Vinegar doesn’t attract ants because ants can’t tolerate the strong smell of vinegar.

Do ants like apple cider vinegar?

=No. The only reason is apple cider vinegar strong fragrant.

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